College Success Coaching

College Success Coaching
College Success Coaching
Academic Success Coaching provides your student one-on-one counseling that aims not only to help them navigate their first-year experience, but also to find the right path through intentional reflection and leveraging resources. From major selection to career choice, college is a time full of big, life-altering decisions. Too often, students struggle through these decisions on their own with little to no mentorship. To make informed decisions, it is vital to know how and when to access resources and seek mentorship. This program will ensure your student is aware of their resources, has confidence to access them, and has a trusted Success Coach to help guide the way.
This Academic Success Coaching program is individualized and will support your student leading up to and throughout their first year. The first-year experience can be a shock—and this program is designed to ease that transition.
Assessment Fee is: $200
Two hours per week based on a semester is: $240 per week.
Extra hours can be contracted at $120 per hour.